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Friday, February 5, 2016

Fiorina Banned From The Arena

Carly Fiorina won't make the A stage at the next GOP debate, prompting such questions as, Who will she kick around on the B stage now that Rick Santorum is gone?  The Gilmore guy?  And another question: Why does she keep trying?

Every election she's been involved in has lost.  She was an adviser to John McCain's presidential campaign in 2008, which he lost.  She ran against Barbara Boxer for U.S. Senator from California in 2010 and lost, even after her campaign outspent Boxer's by a factor of some 48,000-1. Approximately.

Perhaps she's still not accustomed to failure, what with all the massive success in the high-tech sector (printers) she experienced prior to getting fired by HP, the famous high tech (printer) giant.

(One of HP's many high-tech items, features anti-gravity generator upper left, next to "print 2-sided" button.)

Fiorina is justifiably angry about being excluded from the debate.

(Former high tech-industry titan [printers] Carly Fiorina indicating anger at a recent GOP debate.)

ABC's rules for debate participation require landing in the top three in the Iowa vote, or the top six in recent New Hampshire polling, though it is rumored that the A-stage candidates also had to sign an affidavit swearing they would not show up wearing anything stitched from the fur of 101 Dalmatians.

We for one want to see Ms. Fiorina in the debate.  The high-tech world of Silicon Valley (printers) is underrepresented in politics. And as annoying as this liberal blogger finds Ms. Fiorina, he must acknowledge that there is something inarguably grown-up about her, as opposed to one of her primary challengers, who recently began campaigning with his mother:

 And Ms. Fiorina encapsulates the essence of the Republican Party, from her wholesale firing of employees during her tenure at HP to her incessant lying about Planned Parenthood, even after her comments radicalized a demented wingnut.  Or, as Hellboy would say:


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