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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

lines from 'unruly/unholy'

memento sum mori

you're all going to die.before that happens,some advice:unleash
your skull with fermentation.grab hold of desirable bodies.
reproduce.don't forget:clothes make the manacles.



personal names will be given in the old norse font.
tresspassers will be shot.
a penny enslaved is a penny burned.
destroy the world of the other then shoot them at the border.
walk tonight in your neighborhood:bring your torch.
london's burning.



my enemies have joined the church.

i would be on the side of the antichrist
if i believed in the antichrist.

i'll fall in love with this pope
when he acknowledges the church
is a dress-up scam:hocus-pocus flimflam man.

your texts have interest for the folklorist & the philologist.
the rest of us would do better studying math
& music.

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