Just four years ago he seemed to be on the cutting edge of GOP insanity, wanting to define life as beginning at the moment of flirtation, but this year he just didn't bring it. Or time has passed him by. Sweater vests don't cut it. The extreme right is moving toward camo. In a Duck Dynasty world, he's Father Flanagan's bent-over altar boy.
Once upon a time he won Iowa. He fought Romney to the end. He was the Working Man's Asshole. Now he's lost that title to a pampered "billionaire." Faretheewell, Santorum. Sniff.
Rand Paul will leave us now for four years as well, though we will doubtless hear about auditing the Fed again in 2020.
That's a burning issue for the few people old enough to have been at Jekyll Island. Good-bye, li'l liberty lover, and thanks for all the freedom.
Mike Huckabee...
Him I won't miss. That picture makes you wonder what's in their basement. And the dog. Will the dog be okay? Go play with Ted Nugent some more, huckster. GRIFTER. (Con man.)
And good-bye to Martin O'Malley, one of two Democrats running in the Democratic Primary. His numbers almost rivaled those of Carly Fiorina's, as did the tenor of his "debate-voice." Though every sane American admires his brave stance on the NRA, the sooner the Democratic side of things gets down to Hillary Clinton, the better.
So adieu, adieu, to you and you and you. Someday, soon, I expect to see Fiorina and Jebya! gone, and, the Holy Grail of campaign suspensions, Trump. We live in hope.
Wonderful humor, terrifying photographs - I'll be laughing all morning, thanks.